To see clips from previous programs and learn about
the August Captain’s Conference Click Here
The better you get—the harder it is to improve.
Craig Hillier
Darcy Cascaes Director of Student Activities DeLaSalle High School Minneapolis, MN
“I am absolutely thrilled to have Craig back each year to speak at our Tri Metro Leadership Conference. His enthusiasm and approach with young people resonates in every aspect. Craig has been conducting this training for 12 consecutive years and every year he makes it fresh and fun for the students. His principles on leadership have impacted many lives and we are thankful he has been a part of the Tri Metro for so many years."
Jessica B
“You are so inspiring! I loved the energy and I made several new friends. I have learned so much and I hope to carry the skills/advice over to my fellow teammates."
Michael H
“I was thinking of not playing next year because of issues with my coach. You gave me inspiration to try to work through it. Thanks"
Katie C
“I loved the interactions we had with our opponents and how we could get to know each other on a different level than just sports."
Steven M
“I loved the high energy of the workshop. It gave me a lot of tools to help. lead my team mates. Thanks for doing this."